Supervisor Training Credential ProgramIllinois is leading the nation by offering experienced school psychologists, who are interested in supervising trainees, now in a virtual training opportunity to earn an ISPA endorsed credential in supervision. ISPA Supervisor Credential Program InformationSupervision When Schools Are ClosedUpcoming TrainingIllinois is leading the nation by offering School Psychologists, who are supervising or are preparing to supervise practicum students, interns, or licensed psychologist. A benefit of ISPA membership, the Professional Development programs provide a FREE training opportunity to earn an ISPA endorsed Credential in supervision and earned 14 hours of continuing education credits. This link provides a description of the program Supervisor Credential Flyer. We are pleased that a team of university and field-based supervisors will be hosting a remote training option so that individuals may take advantage of advancing their supervision skills from the comfort of their home or office and interact and dialogue with other school psychologists across the state about this important competency. The training is offered across four days in an attempt to maintain participant engagement and allow professionals a half-day for other commitments. Participants must be an ISPA member and complete all four, 3-hour training sessions and the sub sequent two metasupervision hours to earn the Credential. Upcoming dates for the next remote training offering (four separate meetings) are as follows. Registration involves a commitment to each of the four sessions required to earn the Credential. Upcoming Training: April 2025 TrainingThe Training will be held virtually. Friday April 11, 2025 9:00am-12:00pm Please complete the DEP-SSFS SURVEY PRIOR TO THE COURSE DEP-SSFS SURVEYApril 2025 Session Trainers:
Leah C. Marks, PhD, NCSP, Loyola University; Heather M. Lacey, Ph.D., NCSP, Rush Medical Center; Kathryn Bangs, PhD, NCSP, PEL, LPHA, Egyptian Health Department, Eldorado, IL
The trainers are aware that they will need to keep accurate records of attendance and that participants must complete all "units" and metasupervisions to receive the credential. For more information, please contact the program trainers or ISPA Professional Standards:
Supervisor Credential Follow Up Documentation FormsReporting 70 hours of Supervision Experience For those program participants who did not have the required 70 hours of experience as a supervisor but took the course to prepare for supervision, this form is used to communicate that subsequently they have completed 70 hours of experience as a supervisor to complete the final requirement for the Credential. Please note that this form only needs to be filed by those who at time of registration for the program did not have these experience hours. After completion of this requirement and submission of this form, participants will receive their Credential Certificate and be listed on the ISPAS Website as a Credentialed Supervisor. 70 hours of Supervision Form
Reporting Completion of CE Renewal Requirement The Credential Program has a modest requirement of completing at least one-hour of further professional development training in supervision every six years to maintain the Credential and to remain on the ISPA Credentialed Supervisor List. Completion of CE Renewal Form