Advertisement PolicySchool Psychology in Illinois (SPII) accepts advertisements of professional materials from commercial publishers or private individuals, at rates established by the Governing Board. The amount of space allotted to paid advertising shall be limited to no more than 20% of the total newsletter text for any single issue, and requests will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Editor shall review each ad and determine its acceptability for publication, based upon the reputation of the advertiser, potential value of the product to school psychologists and general appropriateness for publication. Advertising shall not constitute endorsement by the Association, and each ad will be clearly marked as a paid advertisement. Announcements of school psychology position openings appear at the website free of charge. Contact the Job Placement Chair or Administrative Assistant. Announcement of workshops presented by ISPA members are published free of charge. Announcements of workshops presented by non-members will be considered paid advertisements, subject to the policies above, at non-member rates. Advertisements, workshop announcements and position openings should be submitted to the Editor in accordance with the deadlines noted. Payment can be made online or by check payable to ISPA , and payment must be received before the newsletter is posted to the website. Send payment to ISPA, Department 4651, Carol Stream, IL 60122-4651 Submission Deadlines
Please submit articles and advertisements as email attachments in Word or PDF format to the editor at: [email protected]. Word documents are preferred. Advertising RatesAdvertising Rates are as follows: