120 hours are required every five years for ISBE licensure
Note: Professional development credit no longer has to be entered on the ELIS site within 60 days of completion. However, best practice would be to enter PD as soon as possible after an event so you do not forget.
If you have your NCSP or an appropriate IDFPR license, you do NOT need to record all your PD credits in ELIS as you have fulfilled 100% of the PD requirement by having this certification/licensure. However, you still need to renew your ISBE PEL licensure and still need to pay the required registration fee.
Licensure Renewal:
Your PEL (Professional Educator Licenses) is good for five years before it needs to be renewed. Check your renewal date on the ISBE website under the ELIS system if you are unsure when you need to renew your license: https://sec3.isbe.net/IWASNET/login.aspx You will NOT receive a renewal notice, so it is your responsibility to monitor your own renewal date. Licenses expire on June 30 of your renewal year. The renewal process (making sure you have enough PD credits and pay the registration fee) can be completed on/after April 1 of your renewal year.
To renew your PEL, log into ELIS: https://sec3.isbe.net/IWASNET/login.aspx, then click on Renewals in the Action Center on your homepage. Follow the instructions to renew and register your license.
If you have your NCSP, you do NOT need to record all your PD in ELIS, but can enter that you have your NCSP when asked to add professional development hours.
Your Activity Name would be NCSP;
Provider would be ISPA;
Hours would be 75 (every three years);
Description would be your NCSP number and anything else you would like to provide, including dates of your current NCSP status.
If you have a license through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations (IDFPR), you do NOT need to record all your PD in ELIS, but would enter your IDFPR information similar to NCSP as stated above.
If an individual does not enter their PD credits by September, the license will lapse. If the registration fee is not paid by January 1, the license will also lapse. If the license lapses, the individual will need to pay a $500 penalty fee OR complete nine semester hours of appropriate college coursework.