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Supervisor Credential Virtual Training October 2023
Monday, October 23, 2023, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM CST
Category: Other Events

Illinois is leading the nation by offering experienced School Psychologists, who are interested in supervising trainees, a FREE training opportunity to earn an ISPA endorsed credential in supervision.  This link provides a description of the program Supervisor Credential Flyer. We are pleased that Beth CasperPh.D., Licensed Clinical and School Psychologist (LCSSU), Melissa B. Hanke, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical and School Psychologist (LADSE), and Jeanette Quirk, M.A., NCSP (LADSE) are hosting a remote training option so that individuals may take advantage of advancing their supervision skills from the comfort of their home or office and interact and dialogue with other school psychologists across the state about this important competency. The training is offered across four days in an attempt to maintain participant engagement and allow professionals a half-day for other commitments. Participants must be an ISPA member and complete all four, 3-hour training s

Mon,  October 16th          4:00pm - 7:00pm

Mon,  October 23rd          4:00pm - 7:00pm

Tues, November 7th         4:00pm - 7:00pm

Mon, November 13th        4:00pm - 7:00pm

The trainers are aware that they will need to keep accurate records of attendance and that participants must complete all  "units" and metasupervisions to receive the credential.  We plan to offer some "makeup sessions" as needed. 

Continuing Education Credits:  Credits will be awarded after the completion of the course and the associated Metasupervision Sessions.  

ISPA Supervisor Credential Program Description

Registration Information


Contact: [email protected]